...Not really a proper misf column this week as I'm
too busy recovering from the shocking news that seminal '60s Brit gangster
flick "Get Carter" (the original starred Michael Caine) has
been given a Hollywood makeover. Yes, the "updated" version
stars none other than that colossus of Shakespearean method acting,
Sylvester Stallone. I've seen the trailers and (predictably) it looks
like utter pants. All guns and explosions rather than the exercise in
minimalism that was the original. No doubt most Americans have never
heard of the original film so it'll probably do well over here but I
wouldn't be surprised if they *don't* give it a UK release any time
soon... ...So anyhow, a few weblinks to waste away your hard-earned recreational time. You'll need a fast connection and wizzbang computer for some of them, but there should be something for everyone... http://www.ferryhalim.com/cowgame/ is a totally addictive game... http://www.twilight3d.com/humour/temp/ is the homepage of some airport pranksters... http://vorel.com/T-Barbie.htm is Tourette Syndrome Barbie http://britneyspears.ac/lasers.htm is Britney Spears' guide to semiconductor physics http://www.gibbleguts.com/fartingdog/fartingdogs.html is very infantile but very funny http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_925000/925060.stm is a story that could be useful if you want to cheat on your better half http://www.unnovations.com/ is a piss-take of those Innovations/Sharper Image catalogues http://www.rethink.demon.co.uk/r1frame.html is some more prankery, this time from the God of TV and radio farce, Chris Morris http://yoyo.org/levine/films/misc/matrix.mpeg is a toilet-humour-based spoof of Keanu Reeves' sci-fi twaddle "The Matrix" <http://download.theforce.net/stardudes.html>http://download.theforce.net/stardudes.html is a cartoon version of Star Wars http://www.tvgohome.com/ is an hilarious parody of Radio Times-style TV listings. Can be quite rude http://www.romp.com is a funky cool site for guys. You can play a game where you slice up Woody Allen https://www.wellmed.com/MiniQ/Connect.asp?SiteID=HealthGrades&MiniQ=1&EMailLoc=2 is a site where you can quickly check if you're healthy or not. It computes your Body Mass Index - you just need to enter your height and weight. I'm a perfect 22...:) http://www.orsi.net/Gallery/gallery2.html hosts The Gallery Of Annoying Email Signatures http://www.astprince.com/english/sushi/indexe.html is for Sushi lovers http://www.h2g2.com/A649 has a load of Cockney rhyming slang http://www.deanandnigel.co.uk/index.html is just plain silly http://www.soda.co.uk/soda/constructor/ is a mind-bogglingly addictive site. It's a sort of neat little game with lines and dots and stuff http://www.jesusdance.com/ just makes me laugh http://www.datacomm.ch/rf.buecheler/Moving/Moving.htm>http://www.datacomm.ch/ rf.buecheler/Moving/Moving.htm is a site where you can waste a few seconds doing silly things with your mouse http://www.1112.net/lastpage.html is maybe what we all secretly wish for Namaste, Kieran PS Revolution tour report and pix to follow soon, promise... PPS The man in san fran website has been updated and given a bit of a spring clean. Check it out at: http://www.diffdrum.demon.co.uk/maninsf -- He was born with a gift of laughter and a sense that the world was mad. Rafael Sabatini |