...Being the pagan sort that I am, I celebrated the Spring Equinox the other weekend doing what I do best - dancing in the outdoors to deep house moozik under the rays of Ra - you may recall from a previous misf report that I was up by the Golden Gate Bridge for the Winter Solstice when the moon was at its brightest for 150 years or so. When I lived in the UK I used to try and make a once- or twice-annual pilgrimmage to Glastonbury Tor whenever I could, so this was my own way of getting a bit of that archaic revival going again... ...Anyhow, we were about an hour north of San Francisco, up in Wine Country, nestled next to rolling green hills and a glistening clear lake. The party was Sunset, an outdoor rave/gathering that's been a Bay Area institution since the early '90s. A pair of turntables and a couple of booming speaker stacks were set up in one corner and the DJ was surrounded by a motley crew of spangled ravers, techno-hippies, Deadheads, glammy house queens and hardcore junglists. There was a real cosy community vibe - even if some of the participants were clearly motoring on something more powerful than fresh air. As 800 souls got down to a soundtrack of the deepest house, the sun set on one side of the lake and the moon rose on the other. Very spiritual... ...The main reason I was there was the fact that I was doing a story
on the new "rave film", Groove. That was the movie I saw
screened at ...Better sign off here. I've just returned from a six day music conference in Miami so am still counting my lost braincells. Give me a few days to conjure up some verbage about that one... Namaste, Kieran PS An update on One Man And His Dog (totally true I'm afraid) - the BBC are actually going to scrap it and the next series will be shown on...Sky TV! My insider at Sky who told me this says his suggestions for a Dog-Cam, the sheeps wool dyed in various 'team colours', ad breaks every 30 seconds, and a large Sky logo painted onto the pitch have so far fallen on deaf ears...Come by... PPS I have now been in America SIX months! Happy anniversary to me! I can hardly believe it myself... He was born with a gift of laughter Rafael Sabatini