...Two more bizarre American TV series are due to start
shortly. One is where eight people are locked in a house for two months
with no contact with the outside world whatsoever - no email, post,
telephone, visitors etc. There are cameras in all of the rooms on 24
hours a day, watching and recording their every move, seeing how the
group acts in such a confined environment. Sort of "Wildlife On
One" but with humans. Maybe they'll employ some sort of American
David Attenborough to provide the warm, husky narrative.
...The other series follows a similar path, this time abandoning a bunch of twenty-somethings on a desert island. Each week viewers will vote one of the inhabitants off of the island. This will go on until there's only one person left - and that person wins some big cash prize. Naturally there are cameras everywhere and the contestants can make their own special, secret broadcasts to the viewers about why they should stay on the island and why some other poor sap should be "deported". The producers are hoping for a Lord of the Flies-meets-The Real World style situation. ...In a totally unrelated incident, I heard recently that the Sunday Times ran a feature on the re-emergence of the village newsletter. Apparently there's one called "Shoreditch Twat" whose targets are the trendy souls living in and around Hoxton and the things they get up to at night. Marvellous. ...Every wondered what happened to Pamela Anderson's tits? This website
reckons it has the answer: ...Glad to hear that the Beeb have finally seen sense and are repeating top lo-fi sci-fi series "Blakes 7". And all the way from episode one! Fantastic! Takes me back to the days of Orac, Avon and a host of other bizarrely-monickered heroes. Saturday afternoons at 4.05pm on BBC2. ...Album of the year already? I reckon Beck's "Midnite Vultures" has that one wrapped up. If you love Prince, psychedelic soul, the Beach Boys, James Brown, Americana, trippy cowboy yarns and shake-ass groovytunes then you'll love this. Bloody essential. ..."Brilliant!" That's what they've renamed "The Fast Show" over here on BBC America. But still the same top gags ("Ooh! Suits you sir! Ooh!"; "I'll get me coat."; "Of course, I was terribly, terribly drunk." etc). My US housemates reckon it's better than Monty Python. "You Brits have a sick and twisted sense of humour," one told me. Which was nice. ...Finally, it's warming to see the internet hasn't totally lost it's anarchic spirit, despite the best efforts of big business to turn it into a dull old shopping mall for inbreeds out in Utah. Onewebsite http://www.datapimp.com) offers vulgar, insulting and quite frankly hilarious email addresses for a measly twenty bucks. I've often wondered if I could have addresses like: kieranwyatt@badassmuthafucka.com Well, I can now. Honest! Check it out for yourself. My personal favourite domain names are jesusisdead-getoverit.com and sorry-ifuckedyourwife.com. You can reserve your email address and have all the mail directed to your current account if you prefer. Awesome and totally legal. It's all good. Kieran PS Do you believe in ghosts? http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=251789217 Work like you don't need the money. |